Amanda Roussell

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Amanda Roussell earned her B.S. in Child and Family Development from San Diego State University in December 2012 with the goal of working to empower youth, women, and their families. She began working with Interactions for Peace in May 2012 as she was finishing up her college studies and now holds the titles, Director of Community Outreach and Communications. Amanda continued to learn outside of the classroom as she traveled Europe for a month. In June 2014 Amanda led an international training team in Nairobi, Kenya where participants of the organization, Children's Peace Initiative- Kenya, were trained on the Interactions for Peace Foundation Skills for Social Interactions. Since then, Amanda has been working closely with both organizations and Rotary to continue that project, which includes Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation, and Restorative Practices training. Amanda will be applying for the 2016 Rotary Peace Fellowship to earn her Master's Degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution and hopes her leadership role in this project will bring recognition.